We have a vacancy on our Governing Body for a Parent Governor. If you would like to put your name forward, nomination forms are available from the School Office from today. Completed forms need to returned by 9am on Friday 17th September. Thank you.
Return to School
View the documents below: download download
RHE Parent Consultation
In September, Relationships Education and Health Education will become statutory in all primary schools in England. It is very important that you thoroughly read the attached letter AND complete the questionnaire (link below). https://forms.gle/V8Q2KesCZBUA6Ba37 Thank you for your continued cooperation. Parents Letter – Consultation
Important Message for Parents re Lateral Flow Testing Kits
Updated Coronavirus Risk Assessment
Face Coverings in Education
First Holy Communion – Week 3
Due to the pandemic our children have had to wait to make their first holy communion. Over the next 3 weeks the children will at last celebrate with their family at a special Mass.
First Holy Communion
Due to the pandemic our children have had to wait to make their first holy communion. Over the next 3 weeks the children will at last celebrate with their family at a special Mass. On Friday, our first two children made their first holy communion. Please keep them in your prayers.
Seesaw ‘How to…’
Your child’s teacher will have sent home two QR codes. One QR code is for family access, the other is your child’s home learning code. Sign Up (Family Access) 1. Go to your phones app store and download the Seesaw Family app 2. Find your family invite from your child’s teacher 3. Scan the QR […]
First Holy Communion – Week 2
Due to the pandemic our children have had to wait to make their first holy communion. Over the next 3 weeks the children will at last celebrate with their family at a special Mass. On Friday, our second two children made their first holy communion. Please keep them in your prayers.